CRACKERS' COCKTAILS & [other paraphernalia]


(Updated June 1999)

Submit your recipes, I'll publish them

(Apparently nowadays each cracker has a particular cocktail to suggest)

Crackers' cocktails

__+ORC's Martini-Wodka__

+ORC has described the preparation of his mytical "Zen" Martini-Wodka
in his lessons at least 100 times, here, resumed for you, his "HOW TO":

Get an "highball" glass (cylindrical "milk" glass: holds about
200-285 ml.)
-  Two ice cubes
-  Dry Martini from Martini Rossi (1/3 glass)
-  Wodka Moskowskaia (only russian Wodka will do) (1/3 glass)
-  Schweppes Indian Tonic (1/3) glass
-  Lemon zest (from Malta???)
-  Green Olive (from Tuskany ???)
Sip slowly, look at the data, meditate, crack anything in sight.

__Fravia's Traitor__

I'll give you the recipe of a very good cocktail, called "the Traitor" 
in the lagoons where I come from because you drink it happily till it's too late
to stop:
-  Orange Juice (use good oranges, not the sloppy spanish ones)
-  Gin (Gordon Gin, nothing else)
-  Nutmeg
-  Honey
Well, the 4 ingredients should "disappear", i.e. Orange Juice and Gin
should annihilate, and Nutmeg and Honey too. 
The perfect "Traitor" is a masterpiece of balance between the 4
ingredients... just try it, you'll love it.
I believe it helps particularly when you try to find wich call 
triggers a protection.

__Atheist's best__

Atheist (Atheist(at)usa(point)net) has not yet proposed so 
many good cracking trick, but his 
cocktail is really faboulous, I tried it:
-  Ice cubes
-  1/2 glass Wodka
-  1/6 glass Maraschino
-  2/6 glass Lemon Juice
You prepare now ANOTHER glass with champagne (only)
Now pour and mix everything together: you'll get TWO glasses of
this incredible cocktail.
Atheist says that he can crack *everything* after one glass, and 
that he does not care if he cannot after both of them.

__ACP's Zombie__

Well, a good cracker (acp(at)xforce(point)net) poposes a good cocktail, here you go:
1) 1 kewl glass of russian vodka (of course :-)
2) 2 kewl ice-cubes...
3) a spoon of Chocolate Rum
4) 2 drops of fresh lemon

mix it all up, and you're ready to go!

__Apathy's white russian __

Well, a nice one (Apathy(at)operamail(point)com), here you go with 
Apathy's own variation of the classic White Russian:

Take a good size glass (14 oz.) - basically a large milk glass and fill
it as such:
1/4 Vodka (Russian is always the best - I can unfortunately only 
find Smirnov where I live)
1/4 Spiced Rum (I'm sure any brand will do, but I have always found
Cruzan and Captain Morgan's to be the best)
1/4 Kahlua 
1/4 Light Cream (heavy cream if you like really rich drinks)

The nutmeg quantity varies from person to person... Hell, you can put an 
entire bottle in if you like (I can guarentee you will have a very 
interesting night if you do  :-) 

Sip your cocktail... sit back... put in some Pink Floyd... crack to 
your hearts content.

__Makoli's Makoli __

Well, who said that we should only drink 'western' cocktails? (makoli(at)hotmail(point)com) (a reality reverser), gives us the following:

Yes, that's right: makoli is the name of a drink!
I guarantee it will cut trough the murk of even the shadiest 
Here's how to make your own. I'm sorry, the amounts aren't exact, 
but as you learn to drink it you'll also learn how to make it.

raw rice   -   big bagful
sugar      -   about equal in volume to the rice
water      -   decide amount later

Wash the rice briefly, and grind it up into a powder. Though it doesn't 
really matter, the final size should be at least as small as a quarter 
of a rice grain.

Mix the ground rice, sugar and lots of water, enouch to cover the rice 
several times over.

Cover and leave it all to stand until bubbles come. When it smells too 
strong to consider edible, it's ready!

Make sure to stir it before you pour it, and also to swirl it with your 
little finger periodically while you drink it.
Otherwise the solid stuff settles out!

See the beautiful cartoon by Moebius: "Escale sur Pharagonescia" to understand what would happen if you don't strikez your Koks, sorry, if you don't stir your Makoli... :-)

__NiTrO's two__

Well, chocolate and strawberry, like in the Cuban film... (NiTrO_real(at)yahoo(dot)co(dot)uk), gives us the following two cocktails:

NiTrO's Nitro10 cl. Stroh 80Hot chocolateWhipped creamRasped chocolate
 Pour Stroh 80 and hot chocolate into coffee cup. 
Top with whipped cream, and put rasped chocolate aftertaste.Stir with teaspoon.
Type: CocktailSeason: WinterTemperature: Hot
	NiTrO's Tender5 cl Vodka (Russian, of course:)5 cl Malibu liquer
5 cl Raspberry juice (or strawberry)5 cl Ananas juice10 cl cream
 Mix with crushed ice in shaker.  Pour unstrained into highball glass. 
Serve with a straw.Type: CocktailSeason: AllTemperature: Cold

Other paraphernalia

Come to think of, it, sipping our cocktails you may also pray the x86 processors... here a nice one by Matt Pietrek:
Our Caller, who art on the stack frame
Hallowed be thy Parameters
Thy Address Space come
Thy I/O be done
In Registers, as it is in Memory
Give us this day our periodic timeslices
And forgive us our page faults
As we forgive those who pass invalid parameters
Lead us not to unconditional JMPs
But deliver us from segment registers
For thine is the Address Space, the Registers, and the I/O ports
Jmp $

Matt Pietrek, 1998

Not enough? Here you have the redTen Commandments for C Programmers By Henry Spencer (added in December 1998)
Not enough? Here you have the redIN THE BEGINNING: History of Windows Proposed by Chimaera (added in June 1999)

"Indeed, La! 'tis a noble child; a crack, madam"

SHAKESPEARE: Coriolanus, I, iii.

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