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0.2.7 Hashing


A hash table is a data structure used to maximize the speed with which a stored data item can be accessed. Operations typically defined for hash tables are item insertion, lookup, and deletion. The complexity of an average search operation is $\Theta(1)$ - constant time. In many hash schemes a worst case bound for search operation complexity is O(n). The price for such speed, as we will see, is space.

A hashing table data structure is usually implemented as a large array. Whenever an item must be added to the hash table it is not simply added at the end of the structure. Instead a function called a hash function   determines the location at which a given item is stored based, somehow, on some attribute of the item in to be stored. This computed location is called an item's hash value.   The value being hashed is sometimes called the pre-image.  

In order to insert a new item into a hash table it is necessary to compute the hash value of the item. Once the hash value of the item is known, the insertion routine looks in the table at the location specified by the hash value. If this table location is empty the new item can be inserted outright. However if this location in the table is already in use by some other data item an alternate strategy must be used. This occurrence is known as a collision   and, as we will see, there are many ways of handling collisions.

Looking up an item in the hash table entails computing where the item would be stored by finding its hash value then checking the table at that location. Deleting an item is just as straightforward.

Scott Gasch